Nehalem Spit Loop – October 26, 2014
5.2 miles
We turned this into a 10 mile hike.
We started out to complete this hike and then turned around on the beach, walked north a bit and then hopped on the road that goes down the middle of the spit. The road was fairly boring. A few deer tracks crossing back and forth and some mud puddles that Pinto wasn’t too happy about. Once we reached the jetty though it was absolutely worth it.
Beautiful waves crashing up on the rocks and that is where we sat to have our snack and take a little break. Then we scrambled over the huge piles of driftwood that have been deposited there. Then back to the beach and to our original starting point. The Chihuahuas loved this hike but they do love the beach. Cocoa wasn’t excited about the crashing waves at the jetty so she hid under Doug’s jacket while we took our break.