Silver Falls State Park 10 Fall Loop – September 28, 2014
Trail of Ten Falls Loop Hike
8.7 Miles
This is an amazing hike that is a must see for everyone. It can be quite crowded in the summer. You can do smaller hikes to some of the more popular waterfalls but it is worth it to complete the ten falls loop. The hike is moderate and has a few hills. I had done the majority of this loop about 17 years ago but we weren’t able to complete the loop because one of the bridges was out and we had to back track making it a much longer hike. This time we were able to hike the entire loop. One of the best parts of this loop is walking behind two of the falls. It is a great experience to hear the rushing water above you and stand behind the waterfall, gives a great perspective.
There are also beautiful pools of water along the way and beautiful old growth timber.
The trail is nice and soft for the most part. There are a few areas with roots and a couple of switchbacks, otherwise an easy hike, only moderate because of the distance.
Silver Falls State Park Campground is a great destination for camping and hiking over a couple of days.